Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combines Kickboxing, Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Wrestling, and Judo into one sport. MMA is the sport displayed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), as well as other local and national MMA events such as WI Xtreme Cage Fighting.
Since MMA is so complex, it is necessary to focus on one specific style at a time. Rothwell MMA breaks down Mixed Martial Arts into separate classes of:
- Kickboxing- the stand-up portion of MMA,
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu- the ground portion of MMA,
- Wrestling- the transition from standing to ground positions,
- Yoga- the ability to move with fluidity, ease, steadiness, and control,
- Conditioning- building the required strength and endurance needed.
A variety of techniques and skills are taught, then practiced during grappling, dutch-style kickboxing, and light sparring. Strength & Conditioning is practiced throughout all classes- you will get a good workout in every class. Participating in these classes will give you all the tools a Mixed Martial Artists needs.
Once you have learned a techniques from the above classes, put them to use in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) class. During this time, you may learn new techniques, work drills, grapple, or spar. This is the time to combine your knowledge of Kickboxing, BJJ, and Wrestling during more life-like, situational exercises.
MMA Team
If you are looking to take your training to the next level, our competition team training may be right for you. Rothwell Mixed Martial Arts offers competition team training for members seeking advanced instruction/preparation for amateur or professional MMA competitions. All competition team members are required to participate in regular classes as well as the (private) competition team training. Competition team is by invitation only. If interested, please talk to Ben Rothwell.